Based on H.P. Lovecraft's work, Shadow Beyond Time tells the story of Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee, an Arkham-born prodigy. At age 22, he becomes the...
Shadow Beyond Time
In the near future,the world has suffered a terrible destruction. Through the wreckage, a man tries to survive and fulfill his basic needs.
A little story from a blue-collar neighborhood. Lina, a middle-aged lady who never leaves the balcony of her house, intervenes in everything that...
From The Balcony
Vasilis and Kostas are two Cops working for the Homicide Division. They are inseparable,immoral and keep crossing the line. When a Minister is...
Ζήσε Σαν Μπάτσος Ψόφα Σαν Σκύλος
A series of tragicomic events during the three last days of a Greek Easter.
A Gospel According to Life
Καθ' Ομοίωσιν